Devotions and Bible Study

Saving Those Around the World

Beyond our home, or church there is a world of people...lost people and saved people. Jesus died for not just one country or nation, but for ALL. Tap the blue letters and read more...

Saving Those Around the World
  Did you know if you walked around the world (the earth) at an average speed of 3 mph, it would take you roughly 8,313 hours and 20 minutes to complete the walk.  Total miles is 24,902.    God created quite a sizable area for our living.
 There are people all over the world, that God desires they be reached and saved by Jesus Christ.  In the book of John, chapter 11...we read in verse 52 that Jesus would die not just for one nation, but also for the scattered children of God around the world.   He desires to bring them together and make them one. 
 Because of Jesus death on the cross, we, and others around the world, receive an eternal saving deliverence!   By faith, we receive this eternal gift.
 The Bible rings with the truth!  Ephesians 2: 8-9:  "By grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."
Belonging to the family of Jesus Christ, our brothers and sisters everywhere, Tanzania, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Finland, Hungary, Mongolia and so with a powerful faith as you do.
What about your neighbor just down the road?   Have they been reached with the truth of Jesus?  This saving gift that Jesus grants to those who love Him and follow Him!

In closing, use this prayer:
Lord, fill me with compassion to reach out to others, and speak of Jesus.  Give me the wisdom and the words to touch a lost soul.   Amen.


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